About me
I am a CNRS researcher since fall 2023 and I am hosted at LIMOS, Clermont Auvergne University in Clermont-Ferrand. Previously, I was a Simons Junior Fellow at Columbia University in NYC hosted by Tim Roughgarden. I did my PhD research at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam under Daniel Dadush and received my doctorate in 2022 from Utrecht University.
In my work, I prove theorems about algorithms. Specifically, I study practical algorithms for (mixed integer) linear programming as you might find them in popular software such as Gurobi, CPLEX, SCIP or HiGHS. This includes the simplex method, interior point methods, branch-and-bound and cutting plane methods.
These mathematical optimization tools are used extensively in industry and academia and are very fast in practice. This observation is in contrast with the theory of worst-case analysis, which predicts that these algorithms would be slow. My research aims to narrow this gap between practical observation and theoretical prediction.
Related to the above topic, I am also interested in geometric and combinatorial questions about convex polyhedra.
For a short introduction to my work, check out my Rising Star talk which I gave during STOC 2021. More information on my professional activities can be found in my CV.